Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of Social Media On Business - 933 Words

Last year, Sterling argued that there are 25 million active business Pages on Facebook. After the world has entered the Internet age, the internet is not only means large information, but also means communication. The social media is one of the communication tools. Recently, people discovered the increasing number of people using social media. Tesikerdekis and Zeadally (2014) states that people find the number of humans that use social media have a 64% growth since 2005; for example, People who use Twitter increased by 10% from 2010 to 2013. The large number of people use social media for business purpose, they found influences of social media for businesses, especially for small businesses. They also found social media leads to some benefit social changes in businesses section. Recently, large number of enterprises adopt social media to enhance their businesses because it has numerous benefits for businesses, especially for small businesses. First of all, plenty of businesses use social media for advertising. Using social media to attract more consumers is a better way than using traditional advertisement. According to Zauner and Koller (2012), â€Å"Perceived brand value can be positively influenced by encouraging interactions with groups of like-minded members on Facebook, and identification with the group in a social context† (p.689). These group mostly operate by customers. It leads to the higher cost-effectiveness for business to enhance their attracting of brand, such asShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Social Media On Business Essay1288 Words   |  6 Pagesin the direction of social media. Now, more than ever, consumers are wary of businesses and advertisements. As a result, the trust falls to a third party – a brand or person who is not aff iliated with the company receiving the promotion. What does that mean for your business? Businesses are encouraged to become their consumers’ friends, chatting about a product or something related, in a manner that is non-threatening, and even enjoyable. The most effective way for a business, no matter the sizeRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Business1641 Words   |  7 Pagesof and use social media they only think of it from a personal view. However, more and more companies have discovered that this electronic network can be used for business purposes as well. Social media can provide a platform for companies to share knowledge and opinions, and announce information to their audience of followers. It can also generate valuable data about how a company’s customers think, shop, vote, and spend their leisure time. Many companies have incorporated social media in their businessRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Business Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesThe rele ntless emergence of the diverse Social Media platforms has been impacting the way people and businesses interact and communicate with each other. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the dynamics by which businesses and particularly Business to Business (B2B) companies attract customers and promote their products and services to them using social media. With an increasing competitiveness in various fields and the innovative ways marketers use to bring new prospects, some businesses haveRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Business2529 Words   |  11 Pagesknown as social media. Social media supports interpersonal communication and collaboration through the use of internet-based platforms. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are some of the well-known sites that are used by hundreds of millions of people. Although only 18 percent of managers believe that social media is important for their business today, more than 63 percent assert that they will be important for business within three years (Kiron et al. 2012). The economic impact of social mediaRead MoreSocial Media Impact on Business10631 Words   |  43 PagesContents: 1. Introduction 2 2. Social Media and Business 2 3. Types of Social Media and Their Importance for Companies 4 4. Social Media Functionality Blocks and Their Implications for Companies 7 5. Social Media and Information Half-life and Depth 10 6. LinkedIn Poll 12 7. Recruitment and Search for Talent 13 8. Advertising and Brands Enhancement 17 9. Customer Profiling and Customer Service and Realtionship Management 21 10. The Future of Social Media 25 11. Conslusion 28 12. References 29 1Read MoreImpact Of Social Media On Business1820 Words   |  8 PagesImpact of Social Media on Business: Effects of Social Networking Sites on Organisational / Academic Performance of London College of Business Management and Information Technology (LCBMIT) Index 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Research Objectives and Methodology 4. Conclusion 5. References 6. Appendix A Introduction: The present study investigates the effect of use of Social Networking sites on organisational performance of LCBMIT. Blogs, tweets, moodle, and discussion boards, facebook updatesRead MoreSocial Media Impact on Business10637 Words   |  43 PagesContents: 1. Introduction 2 2. Social Media and Business 2 3. Types of Social Media and Their Importance for Companies 4 4. Social Media Functionality Blocks and Their Implications for Companies 7 5. Social Media and Information Half-life and Depth 10 6. LinkedIn Poll 12 7. Recruitment and Search for Talent 13 8. Advertising and Brands Enhancement 17 9. Customer Profiling and Customer Service and Realtionship Management 21 10. The Future of Social Media 25 11. Conslusion 28 12. ReferencesRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Business Essay2383 Words   |  10 Pagestechnology expands, companies and business are gravitating more toward implicating the use of social media. The use of social media can be extremely beneficial to consumers and the business its self. Some of these benefits are the expansion of a business consumers, easier ways for employers to scout out potential employees. Social media also widens the sales market and improves customer satisfaction. Technology will continue to progress and so will the realms of social media. This study will answer theRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Business Essay1461 Words   |  6 Pageshandbags, cosmetics, haute couture and perfumery among others. A lot of luxury shoppers are currently using the social media to discover new brands while recommending to their friends. It is, therefore, crucial to understanding the needs of the audience and what drives them as they use social media platforms. Social media analytics is a valuable tool in understanding the trends of social media and what a company can do to weigh its audience (Anstead and O#39;Loughlin, 2015, p. 204). The objectiveRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Business1720 Words   |  7 Pageswith the creation and evolution of social media. Social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter allow for a greater interaction between businesses and their customers. There are many different ways that businesses use social media today to promote their brand. For example, some companies offer special promotions for their social media fans. The number one focus when using social media is communication between current and potential consumers and the business itself. This may be in the form of

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